- Presentations
The following presentations from the 2012 Working Conference in Canterbury
How Virtual is Virtual: Designing for Distributed Work in Research and Development
Integrative Governance for Adaptive Work Systems
We invite you to also visit work-teams:
Complex Systems Failure: Designing Reliability Teams
Papers presented by Stu Winby at the 2012 STS Roundtable Conference in Canterbury, UK
Adaptive Work Systems: A Perspective on the Evolution of Socio-Technical Systems
Adapting to New Realities: The Emergence of Network Organizations and Work Systems
Presentation given by Pierre van Amelsvoort, Seth Maenen, Ezra Dessers and Geert Van Hootegem at the 2012 STS Roundtable Conference in Canterbury, UK.
The Modern STS Approach: Mobilization Human Talent
Paper presented by the STSRT Voice of the Worker Team at the 2012 STS Roundtable Conference.
Direct and Indirect Participation in Change Processes
Presentation given by Dr. Huseyin Ozdemir at the 2012 STS Roundtable Conference in Canterbury, UK
Organisational Development Consulting in China: Challenges, Risks and Impact