Me too! I’m certainly looking forward to hear what Matthijs Moorkamp and Eric-Hans Kramer have to offer based on the case they have studied of a military force in Afghanistan. I should say that, although I’m really interested in leadership and collaboration in a VUCA world (as you know, a military term), I’ve never thought of digging deeper in this type of organizations and learning about new findings on how to deal with complexity.
I hope you can join us on May 22, 2018, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EDT /
1800h – 1930h (NL-time)
As you know, if you’re a member of the STS Roundtable with your fees up-to-date, you only need to send us an email so you receive the webinar link. Otherwise, here you will find the paypal link, as well as the membership renewal link, and all the details about the webinar.
Also, this is a friendly reminder that the Early Bird Registration for Leiden will finish soon. You will only pay EURO 400 if you register for the conference prior to May 31st and are a member of the Roundtable!!!
Here is the program. To register, visit the USI/Leiden webpage: http://www.ulbodesit
To obtain reduced fees for the Leiden meeting, become a member of the Socio-Technical Systems Roundtable or renew your membership.
Join us in Leiden, The Netherlands, on September 4-7!