The Virtual Water Cooler Conversations



Topic: “Sustainability”

Thursday, March 20th, 2025 at 10:00 am to 11:30 am Pacific time. 

We are experiencing a period of significant upheaval in the world.  The shifts in leadership and political alliances, changes in immigration policies and practices, and challenges to long-standing beliefs and ideals are, according to many, driving rapid deterioration in the human condition around the globe.  Whether we focus on climate change, world health and hunger, or other arenas in which such upheaval is being felt, we need to better understand the outcomes of political action and decisions on our ability to sustain a world that sometimes feels to be on the brink of chaos.


This month at the virtual water cooler, let’s talk about sustainability in the face of upheaval:


  • What are the core areas in which the concept of sustainability is important?
  • Which are important to you, and why?
  • What does sustainability mean in these times?  Do we have a common definition, compatible goals, and outcomes that will benefit all?
  • How do we identify and sustain processes and practices that are vital to the well-being of humankind around the world?
  • What experience and expertise as organizational designers do we bring to the table that can enhance and support sustainability initiatives?
  • How do we want to apply that expertise and experience in the uncertain times in which we live?


Join us and our colleagues at the Virtual Water Cooler for this important deliberation.  We’ll meet at the Virtual Water Cooler on 20 March 2025 at 10:00am (pacific time) for this deliberation facilitated by Pam Posey and Pete Sorenson.

Best wishes,
Pam Posey and Pete Sorenson (on behalf of the STS Roundtable)


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