Making Work Worth Doing


Join us for our series of events “Making Work Worth Doing” in 2025.

This is relevant for anyone interested in learning about meaningful work, flexibility and autonomy.

The events will take place on the 4th Thursday of each month starting in March.

We hope to see you there.



  • Each event in the series will feature a specific topic and a dedicated facilitator;
  • At 10 to 11:30 AM Pacific Time; 1 to 2:30 PM Eastern Time;
  • Upcoming event dates are:


    • Thursday, 27 March 2025 – led by Prof. Afonso Fleury —‘’The Evolution of Work Towards Humancentrism’’


    • Thursday, 24 April 2025 – led by Carly Riehle & Bert Painter —  ‘’Humancentric Work: Examples of Thriving Hybrid Offices’’


    • Thursday, 22 May 2025 – led by Stu Winby — ‘’Human-centered AI and the Evolution of Socio-Technical Systems’’


Workshop Presenters & Facilitators:

Prof. Afonso Fleury created the Work, Technology, and Organisation area at the University of Sao Paulo in the early 1980s. He headed the Production Engineering Department from 1991 to 2004. His research focuses on Work Organization, Technology Management, and Industrial and Technology Policies. He was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Development Studies (UK), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), LATTS – École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussés (France) and Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge (UK). He prepared projects for ILO, UNU, IDRC, IDE, and CEPAL, as well as Brazilian institutions, covering different industries such as Aeronautics, Automobile, Capital Goods, Computing and Information, Machine-tools, Shoes, Software, Telecommunications, Textile/Apparel. He has published several books and articles on work organization, global operations, and technological and industrial policy. He is associate editor of Operations Management Research and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of International Management and the Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. He is currently a senior professor at USP and a team member on the Circular Economy and Social Inclusion project.

Carly Riehle is the manager of a Strategic Program Management Office working on enterprise wide, large scale change initiatives.  She has nearly 20 years of experience as a covert OD consultant having worked inside organizations in multiple industries including for-profit education, shipping, residential construction, and banking.

She is a project manager at heart, who thrives on helping others meet their goals and has been PMP certified since 2014.  Storytelling helps her connect with project stakeholders, team members and fellow project managers, to build trusting relationships and guide people towards a common goal.

Carly has a Master’s degree in Organizational Development from Pepperdine University and lives in Bedford, TX with her husband and three sons.  She serves in her church and speaks on OD related topics across the Dallas Fort Worth Area.

Carly currently serves as the President of the STS Roundtable.

Bert Painter is an independent consulting social scientist and documentary filmmaker. Since 1975, his professional passion has been to assist people in designing their work and organizations to achieve both high performance and quality in their working lives. As a filmmaker, Bert has produced over 20 documentaries on innovative workplaces in North America.

Current projects involve work with engineers, IT professionals, and employees to deploy advanced technology in manufacturing in ways that up-skill (vs. displace) the workforce, as well as work with staff and management to design effective and flexible hybrid office work. 

He has a B.A. from Carleton University (Ottawa) and an M.A. from the University of Sussex, U.K.  

Bert is currently serving as a Steward of the STS Roundtable.

Stu Winby is the Founder of SPRING network and a thought leader in strategy innovation, organization design and innovation, and founder of SPRING Network. His focus over the last decade has been in healthcare and technology, working at the CEO, state and national level in healthcare innovation and transformation.

Attached you will find a relevant article that will provide more information for the session in March. 

Sign up for the sessions below.

Making Work Worth Doing Series
Select the sessions you want to attend (Sessions are at 10 to 11:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time; 1 to 2:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time)


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