Afonso Fleury
MSc at Stanford University and PhD at USP) created the Work, Technology, and Organisation area at the University of Sao Paulo in the early 1980s. He headed the Production Engineering Department from 1991 to 2004. His research focuses on Work Organization, Technology Management, and Industrial and Technology Policies. He was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Development Studies (UK), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), LATTS – École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussés (France) and Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge (UK). He prepared projects for ILO, UNU, IDRC, IDE, and CEPAL, as well as Brazilian institutions, covering different industries such as Aeronautics, Automobile, Capital Goods, Computing and Information, Machine-tools, Shoes, Software, Telecommunications, Textile/Apparel. He has published several books and articles on work organization, global operations, and technological and industrial policy. He is associate editor of Operations Management Research and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of International Management and the Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. He is currently a senior professor at USP and a team member on the Circular Economy and Social Inclusion project.
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