Our world is increasingly wracked by problems and crises ranging from climate change to mental illness as our organisations have failed to adapt to rapidly changing environments. In just about every community, culture and industry, this failure is leading to poor performance, even collapse.
Attempting to adapt to highly unpredictable environments caused by unstable value systems and amplified by factors such as the accelerating uptake of digital platform technologies, organisations are all too often running from one new change management fad to the next. However, organisations can have greater control of their destinies. They achieve this by using the highly acclaimed adaptivity methodologies developed by Professors Fred and Merrelyn Emery.
By attending this intensive and participative course, you will learn the basics of the well established theory of Open Systems Theory (OST), its key concepts and principles and their translation into methods that produce continuous adaptation. Although the course is challenging, it is designed to maximize understanding by deviating from conventional training courses.
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