Today we had our first webinar (free and open to the public): a Dialogue on Systems approaches to organization design. In this session, we learned the basics of organization design, systems’s approaches, design principles (such as Cherns’ Socio-Technical Design Principles, Berniker’s 24 Principles) and the general process of an STS design.
Jean Fuller and Mark Govers shared with us the definition and methodologies of the North American and the Dutch approaches to the Socio-Technical Systems models, and we had the opportunity to discuss the common features and the strengths of each approach. Finally, Jean explained the basics of Open Systems Theory and Beer’s Viable Model, and mentioned other methodologies that are commonly used during the organization design process. The presentation is available for members only here.
This webinar was a great opportunity to reconnect with our friends and colleagues from the different countries and to discuss the strengths of the different approaches. We’re looking forward to the next webinar on Positive, Participative Innovation on June 26, that will be led by Bernard Mohr, Don De Guerre and Doug Austrom.
The invitation to the next webinar will be available here in our website next week. Don’t miss this great opportunity to continue the conversation!