Call for Abstract – 5th International Symposium on Cross Sector Social Interactions

Cross-sector partnerships for systemic change: Rethinking goals, governance, and organizational forms

Toronto, ON – April 18-19, 2016


Submission deadline: September 30, 2015
The biennial symposium series on Cross Sector Social Interactions (CSSI) brings together scholars and practitioners interested in the intersection of business, government and civil society to share insights from research, teaching and practice. The 5th International Symposium on Cross- Sector Social Interactions  will take stock of advances in CSSI since the previous symposium in 2014, and will engage in  professional development workshops, expert panels, paperpresentations, and keynote talks to develop new knowledge, concepts, tools and methods.

The theme of the 2016 symposium, and the subsequent special symposium issue in the Journal of Business Ethics, will be on cross-sector partnerships for systemic change. Participants will therefore be able to explore the potential and limits of cross-sector collaboration for forging deep-level change in social, economic and environmental systems. They will also have multiple opportunities to get expert feedback on their work-in-progress, to get inspiration for new projects and practices, and to network with fellow scholars and practitioners from across different sectors and disciplines.

Confirmed keynote speakers include the following. More featured speakers will be announced in due course.

-Prof. Ben Cashore, Yale University

-Prof. Barbara Gray, Pennsylvania State University

-Prof. Henry Mintzberg, McGill University


 To learn more details, visit the Symposium website, click here.

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