Roundtable Reflections

2018 – We want to hear from you. Please, send us your reflections about the sessions and other experiences you had during our annual meeting.

The Stewards and 2017 STS RT Design Team owe a debt of gratitude to Carolyn Ordowich for the documentation of our 2017 Meeting Learning Journey.  She has captured what proved to be an exciting and dynamic journey for participants in a way that those who participated and those who were unable to join us are able to experience the learning anew.


LEARNING STSRT 2017.Rutgers (002)   

Thank you Carolyn for your diligence and adding to our shared learning journey!

Here is Daniel Laskero’s reflection on our conference last year.

In 1987, the  second Roundtable organizers asked participants to reflect on their experience of the meeting. From the forty participants, twenty-five responded. This PDF file has the scanned responses. Participant insights are valuable not only for history; many are still relevant today.

1987 STS Roundtable Participant Reflections

Y2K was a year of special reflection on the history and heritage of the Roundtable. The meeting used a variation of the Search Conference process facilitated by Don de Guerre. The outcome was a set of ‘Bright Ideas’ about Governance, Roundtable meeting design, and Core Values. Interestingly, many of these have come to be adopted.

2000 STS Roundtable Reflections Salem MA

After a year when the Roundtable had to be rescued from the “ashes”, the community had its ‘Phoenix’ experience in nearby Scottsdale, Arizona. This is the report on the design of a “new work” Roundtable with “the central purpose of research, learning, and practice to create better places to work and places that work better”.

2004 STS Roundtable Reflections Scottsdale

Building on the work by people in our STS Design community who have helped develop the theory of “communities of practice”, an STSD colleague, Carolyn Ordowich wrote up a set of design principles and a vision of the core processes and roles for the STS Roundtable as a virtual community. These concepts are still valuable for us today.

Story of Roundtable Virtual Community

In 2008, the STS Roundtable met in Memphis, Tennessee. Insights were shared and developed about the future of work design in an age when the new organizational form of global, complex, network systems became pervasive. During this period, the STS Roundtable was experiencing its own learning journey, and as recorded by one of the participants, Carolyn Ordowich, members left Memphis with a new identity, on a new growth curve as an action research organization.

2008 Reflections on Future of Work Design

In 2011, the 25th annual STS Roundtable was held in New Orleans, Louisiana. The learning from this meeting was documented in a journal created by a number of participants who provided a description of what took place and reflections on their personal learning. The New Orleans meeting was a turning point–the community shifted to be more “future oriented, generative in nature, more optimistic, and more collaborative than ever”.

2011 STS Roundtable Learning Journal

In 2014, the 28th annual STS Roundtable was held in Montreal, QC. Reflections from the students of the Master in Human Systems Intervention program were gathered and organized by Don de Guerre, Dena Duijkers and Marcela Urteaga, with the support of
Jean Fuller, who hosted the meetings of the Montreal Hub at his home for several months. This younger, student generation has contributed an important perspective on the future of work and the value of STS Design.

2014 STS Concordia

In 2016 we celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the STS Roundtable. The meeting was held in San Francisco.

HERE are the reflections of some of the participants.

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