A group of students and graduates from the Human Systems Intervention M.A. program at Concordia University in Montreal attended the 2014 Meeting of the Global Socio-Technical Systems Network and met several times after the conference to discuss their learning and experiences.
They selected a number of striking moments — moments when something struck them as profound, exciting, insightful or emotional, something they will remember — and wrote a short description of that moment and what it meant to them. In this way they captured as much as possible of the whole experience, getting at the essence of why the Global Network is of such high value.
We will be posting their reflections weekly here on this blog site, in the sequence of the unfolding of the conference.
The topics of the students’ reflections were:
- Pre-Conference Workshop: Positive Participative Innovation
- GE Bromont Site Visit
- STS Past and Future
- The Changing Workplace
- Information/Communication Technologies and their Impact on Work and Organizational Design
- Inter-organization Design
- Intra-organization Design
- Pecha Kucha
- GLOWIN Launch
- Behind the Scenes and in the Hallways
If you attended the conference, please feel free to enrich the posts with your comments and share with us what you enjoyed of our meeting.