Our vision is humane, thriving organizations co-created for a digital world
The STS RT is a community that shares & promotes learning in service of building humane, thriving orgs. We bring people together to address complex organizational challenges and opportunities. We do this by considering the interdependent parts of the organization and its greater context.

The Virtual Water Cooler Conversations
Topic: “Sustainability”
Thursday, March 20th, 2025 at 10:00 am to 11:30 am Pacific time.
We are experiencing a period of significant upheaval in the world. The shifts in leadership and political alliances, changes in immigration policies and practices, and challenges to long-standing beliefs and ideals

Making Work Worth Doing
Join us for our series of events “Making Work Worth Doing” in 2025.
This is relevant for anyone interested in learning about meaningful work, flexibility and autonomy.
The events will take place on the 4th Thursday of each month starting in
The STS Roundtable is a co-founder of the Global Network for SmarT Organization Design. SmarT =
Co-creation of organizations as systems that thrive in this digital age with Everyone involved in control, improvement, and innovation for high performance in Productivity, Quality of Working Life, and Human Relationships.

Our vision is humane, thriving organizations co-created for a digital world.
Our mission is to sustain a learning community that applies socio-technical systems theory and practice to solve organization design challenges in a digital world.
We seek to design work places characterized by:
Self-directed and responsible employees
Rapid and continuous learning
Physical and psychological safety
Shared rewards and accountability
Coordinated and interconnected (not siloed) relationships
Meaningful work that engages both hands and minds
Technologies that serve humans and enhance work lives